Viscom Technology Forum
5 + 6 June 2019

The Future of Electronics Manufacturing
Viscom and Smd-Tec would be delighted to welcome you to the annual Viscom Technology Forum at their headquarters in Hannover on 5 and 6 June 2019. This exclusive event has established itself as a fixed event for the industry that you do not want to miss.
Practical solutions, trends and innovations presented in compact format at an event that has been extremely popular for many years: at the Viscom campus in Hannover on June 5 - 6, 2019, you'll have the opportunity to gain plenty of insight into Viscom's technologies and, of course, to learn far more firsthand.
Once again we've put together an attractive, diverse program of workshops, live demonstrations and a high-caliber panel discussion. With its theme "The Future of Electronics Manufacturing", the Viscom Technology Forum 2019 promises to be a top event with a clear vision of the future.
Via below button "Technology Forum Program" you can download the comprehensive program, and get a complete agenda for the day and for the topics of the workshops that will he held during these 2 days.
Via the "Registration" button you can register for this event and choose workshops that you can book individually. There you can also specify your hotel preferences. Viscom will then take care of the binding reservation. Closing date for registration is May 3, 2019.
Should you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us.