World Market Leader Champion 2018

Viscom AG has just been listed as World Market Leader Champion 2018 in the World Market Leader Index (WMFI) of the University of St. Gallen and Academy of German World Market Leaders.
Viscom's inclusion among the World Market Leader Champions 2018 brings yet another visible confirmation of the innovative inspection solutions offered by the company and in demand around the world, particularly by electronics manufacturers. As media partner, the WirtschaftsWoche (German business weekly magazine) online portal regularly publishes the entire WMFI.
The World Market Leader Index was developed by the Henri B. Meier Entrepreneur School, part of the Executive School of Management, Technology & Law of the University of St. Gallen (Switzerland). The Academy of German World Market Leaders (ADWM GmbH), located in Schwäbisch Hall, Germany, is active as a cooperation partner with BadenWürttemberg's former Minister of Economic Affairs, Dr. Walter Döring. An objective and transparent selection process was established for the WMFI. Among the criteria are company activity with their own production or sales subsidiaries on at least three continents, annual turnover of at least € 50 million – of which, at least 50 % in export business – and first- or second-place market leadership in the corresponding segment.
The collected information and its scientific evaluation resulted in a new World Market Leader 2018 list for Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Viscom was ranked as WMF Champion in the category "Optical and X-ray Serial Inspection Systems" of the segment "Machine and Plant Engineering."