Let's get this show on the road
Smd-Tec presents:
Selective Soldering Roadshow

Schedule your free in-house private selective soldering demo in June 2018
Selective Soldering is simple, fast and easy ... don't take our word for it, but let us prove it to you
If you're a company located in the Benelux and have an interest in selective soldering at a super high quality but with a minimum of effort, then Smd-Tec and Pillarhouse is your best choice.
Book your personalized demonstration in your own factory. We'll hit the road with the Pillarhouse JADE MKII from 18 to 29 June 2018, so book your demo today as we sell our fast!
In just 1 day we will show you :
- What the cost reduction for your organisation is,
- How to program and solder fast, easy and at a constant quality,
- Why selective soldering is cost effective for your business
Contact us via telephone +3216436742 or email via the button to give us your preferred date, and we'll contact you to confirm and take care of all the rest.